While offline marketing for a product has certainly more reach, e-commerce retail has tripled in the percentage of total sales since 2010 and emerging as a competitive marketing strategy. Hence adopting this style of marketing strategy behavior can definitely yield greater profits than selling offline. But before that, you need to know these tips to adopt effective ways of selling via E-commerce websites.
#1. Reviews count!
The durability factor you consider in online shopping is ” The Review” of the particular product or service. No online visitor would shop a product if the reviews are not satisfying. But, positive and real reviews can act as proof to the customers. The reviews not only have a direct impact on increasing trust and confidence in your business but, providing additional information to potential customers. Hence, Reviews count in online shopping.
#2. Pop-up messages
Using highly engaging popups can convert a large number of sales in your business, But the pop up designed should be simple and not intrusive, often appearing too soon before a customer is engaged. For eg: a well-timed “10% off your first purchase” ad should appear after time when the customer thinks towards a purchase decision; spends engaging time with the landing page.
#3. Google at it’s best.
Google campaigns give the best results all the time, highly qualified Google Shopping Campaigns make wonders with your sales through the website. The beauty of this website is it puts up the ad in front of the customer’s relevant query searches, which might be a win-win situation for both of us and these specific campaigns will increase the ROI then what you expected.
#4. Sell via Instagram.
Social media platforms can build and enlight your band and create awareness, but social media can do more than driving traffics, It can also create sales leads. This easily gives you the ” one-touch” shopping experience. Instagram, Pinterest and many more social media platforms give you amazing shopping and lead conversion experience.
The fact is,
E-commerce has been rising for the past 2 decades and this has created a large lead and sales conversion. So, follow the above e-commerce marketing tips, if you have a shopping website and stay competitive.
If you want to any help in E-commerce Website design Service, We are glad in helping you.
Call us – +917601976099 | Mail us – [email protected]
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