Bounce rate literally can be the bane of your online existence, and the lower or the higher version of the bounce rate can affect your website ranking.
Bounce rate is the period of time s visitor spends on your website and the amount of time spent is considered the most important.
#Slow website page load time
If your website takes more than 10 seconds to load then the bounce rate increases and the chances of leaving your website are higher.
#False advertising strategy
If the content of your advertisement doesn’t match up with the meta description then, the bounce rate increases and it leaves a false impression on the visitors.
#404 errors
Technical errors on the bounce rate result in usually but increased bounce rates and because people get irritated if they see 404 error pages.
# Unorganised content
If the content on the website is not easily preventable with grammatical errors it’s easier for the visitors to bounce back to the search results.
# Bad Ux (user experience)
When the user is not experiencing a smooth process in your website, navigating to other pages and when they find it difficult to perform an action on your website then they definitely opt for the next best option.
#Bad navigation
When the navigation part of the website is directed to some irrelevant page or website which you are supposed to link, the user might never visit your website again.
#Traffic Channels
If one part of your website is high in traffic again the user finds it difficult to navigate in between the pages and he might not again visit your website in the mere future.
Thus these are the most common of many important factors that are the reasons for the High website bounce rate. Rectifying these can generate better traffic in the future.
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